Alpha Running Laser Engraver Friction Noise Check

This tutorial applies to scenarios:

A. Already adjusted the belt, eccentric nut, etc., but still appear obvious carving distortion situation.

B. Moving the module (x or y direction), there is obvious resistance or friction sharp sound.

Requires the user to prepare the hexagon socket head cap screws in the tool box

check place:

Aplha running laser engraver friction noise check 01

Y-axis: synchronous wheel connection at both ends

X-axis: tensioner mounting connection

Check the steps:


1. Remove the screws of laser engraver at both ends of the front assembly as shown. 

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2. Remove the front assembly, taking care that the main board cable connection is connected to the Y-axis motor cable connection and not ripped.

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3. Apply screws to unscrew the tensioner screws and leave the belt at slack.

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4. Unscrew the coupling.

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5. Go back to the front view of the Y-axis and unscrew the screws in the red frame.

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6. Get the synchronizer wheel, check the tightness of the screws, tighten them with a screwdriver and reinstall them.

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7. Check the right synchronizer wheel in the same way.

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